Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Faye Smith Makeup & Hair Artist for Pin Up Style Shoot with Sugar Creative Photography

Faye Smith Makeup & Hair Artist for Pin Up Style Shoot with Sugar Creative Photography

Shazmin is a model that I have always had my eye on right through school. Every final exam that would come along, she caught my eye as a potential model. However, we simply never got around to working together. When Melanie from Sugar Creative photography contacted me asking if I would like to join her on a collaborative, pin-up style shoot, I jumped at the opportunity as soon as I knew who the model was. She is so stunning without any makeup so the application was very easy. I simply enhanced her beautiful features and added a bright and powerful red lipstick to suit the style of the shoot. I then waved her hair, keeping all of the natural length and shape. So easy and such satisfying results in my opinion. We were lucky enough to have stylist, Jenn Chang, join us on this shoot. She was on hand wrapping Shazmin in ribbon as though she was a christmas present.

Faye Smith Hair & Makeup Artist
Photography by Sugar Creative - http://www.sugarcreative.ca/
Modeling by Yazmin Hussein -
Styling by Jenn Chang


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