Faye Smith Makeup & Hair Artist's Review on the first meetup of Vancouver Makeup Artists Beauty Lovers
Vancouver Makeup Artists and Beauty Lovers is a group that has recently been opened and organised using www.meetup.com. Myself and a wonderful and kind man named Constantin Rotariu organised the event in order to bring makeup artists in Vancouver together to exchange networking tips, advise and more. The group can be found at http://www.meetup.com/Vancouver-Makeup-Artists-Beauty-Lovers/ and I would advise any student, post grad or experienced makeup artist to join the group and begin attending our meetings. Even if you havn't gone into a makeup course yet but are perhaps thinking about it, this group will be amazingly useful and beneficial to you.
Our first meetup was held last night, 30th March 2010, at a stunning restaurant and lounge named Townhouse on Alberni and Burrard in Downtown Vancouver. The meetup location may be visually appealing but the music sound levels were what I would consider to be too high for a serious meeting to take place. We will be searching for a new, more suitable location for our second meeting. For our first meetup we were expecting around 20 people to show. Unfortunately only 6 showed up, 2 of which were makeup artists. This lead me to the decision to hold off my speech until the next meeting where hopefully we will have a whole lot more artists in the audience to listen to the words of advise I have to give.
To those of you who missed this first meetup, it is a huge shame. We were lucky enough to have Sandi Lesueur from Makeup Artist Magazine, http://www.makeupmag.com/, come along to give out free copies of the latest issue, enter us into a prize draw to win a weekend ticket to the IMATS and give us some useful contacts and words of advise. Myself and fellow makeup artist, Dina Koop were the only artists there to benefit from Sandi's visit.
The meetup was certainly worth while and appreciated. I will be making a facebook group for the next event to spread awareness so look out for it!
Faye Smith
Makeup & Hair Artist
Twitter - FayeSmithMAKEUP