Faye Smith Makeup & Hair Artist - Demonstrating for CHANEL at The Bay, Oakridge Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada - Feb/March 2010
I was kindly asked by fellow makeup artist, Tina Wu, to join the CHANEL makeup team at The Bay, Oakridge Mall, in the the promotional demonstrations of our new lipstick line, Rouge Coco. I of course accepted the offer and was working within the CHANEL team for the first time on Friday26th February 2010. I began the day by doing a full makeover on a customer using all of CHANEL's finest products. This was a great way for me to jump in and learn about our line quickly and effectively. The day was a success and I was asked to join the team for a second time the following Monday, being today. I look forward to joining the team again today and hope to work with them regularly. http://www.chanel.com/fb/um.php?la=en-ca&lo=ca&re=chanelcom&ws-action=http://um.chanel.com/product.php?chsetdefgnav%3d7%26chsetdefgnavdiv%3d15%26landing%3dm%26branding%3dlpr%26sub%3dlips%26chnprd%3dmalpr35y%26la%3den-ca%26lo%3dca%26re%3dchanelcom~~~G!05711BB9AD1C!5kW0r37g%252brwd%252bKllvg%3d%3d~product~~~@http://syndicator.live.chanel.com/chanel/chanel-um
Faye Smith
Makeup & Hair Artist