Sweet Mystery Musical
I saw a posting on Blanche Macdonald employee, Heather Sosa's facebook in search of makeup artists to work on set of the filming of the theatrical dance production entitled, "Sweet Mystery Musical". It sounded like something I hadn't experienced in my career so far and something I would love to be a part of. I called one of the production's choreographers, Heather Laura Gray, to let her know I would like to volunteer my time. I sent her my resume and portfolio pictures and it wasn't long before she responded to me let me know the good news, that they would like to take me on board for the production. There was no key makeup artist assigned so I volunteered myself to lead the team of artists through the production. I was sent the script and immediately began my character breakdown and facecharts to help determine the looks of the characters. I took them along with me to the production meeting where we would further discuss the characters and how they should be portrayed visually.
It wasnt long before we were on set at The Clutch in Vancouver East Cultural Centre on our first day of filming, Monday March 22nd 2010. I had a team of 4 artists including myself, Christa Monroe, Mandy Imeson and Kristina Wood. Sadly, Kristina was unwell so after helping us get the cast ready to start shooting, she took off early to get some rest. Unfortunately she was unable to join us for the rest of the production. Although day number one, as always, was a big set back to us in terms of the production timing, day 2 was organised, efficient and ran smoothly from beginning to end. All scenes got shot with full coverage and the dancers were understandabley exhausted by the end of the two days.
CHECK OUT THE TRAILER!!! - www.sweetmysterymusical.com/trailer
CHECK OUT THE PHOTOGRAPHIC COVERAGE!!! - www.sweetmysterymusical.com/photogallery
Our cast and crew ran amazingly together and we were excited to be informed by executive producer, Bernard Eberlein, that he would like to take our makeup team on for the upcoming live performance on Tuesday April 20th. Time zipped by and before we knew it the remaining makeup team were on their way to James Cohan Theatre located in the Shadbolt Theatre in Burnaby. We had all day to get the cast ready as we held the dress rehearsal back to back with the live performance. The day couldn't have run smoother. The performance was a great success with high audience attendance and high hopes for Sweet Mystery Musical's future. We hope the production continues on with great success and it will always be a pleasure to be back stage working on our cast as a makeup and hair artist.
Faye Smith
Makeup & Hair Artist
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Twitter - FayeSmithMAKEUP